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Black Belt seminar

Black Belts Seminar
01/12/19 10:30 AM - 12:30 PM
Aikido Center, San Francisco Dojo - 1755 Laguna St, San Francisco
CA 94115, United States

We hope to see as many of our community members as possible on Saturday for the monthly Black Belt Seminar.
This coming on the second Saturday of every month (except for gasshuku months) at the San Francisco dojo.
Address: 1755 Laguna St., at the corner of Bush St. in the lower level of the Konko-kyo church.
Seminar begins at 10:30 a.m. and finishes at 12:30.

Black Belt seminars are open only to Yudansha and 1st kyu Aikidoka. Seminar fee @ $40 per seminar. Call each Host Dojo for their respective seminar fees, location and other information. 
Please be sure to allow extra time to find parking (there is a parking garage underneath the Japantown Center; 5 min. walk from dojo) and to navigate a slightly smaller changing room than at Mountain View.

Aikido Center, San Francisco Dojo


All Dates

  • 01/12/19 10:30 AM - 12:30 PM

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