zenZen training is offered under the guidance of the Center for the Way.

This is an organization that offers training to people in Zen, fine arts and the martial arts. Shiohira Sensei founded this non-profit organization with the personal permission of the late Archbishop Tanouye Tenshin Rotaishi, who was Shiohira Sensei's Zen teacher. He was a Zen and martial arts master and was the Dharma successor of the late Omori Sogen Rotaishi, a well respected master of Zen, kendo and calligraphy in Japan. Shiohira Sensei also received personal instruction from Omori Sogen Rotaishi. 


Zazen is the seated meditation aspect of Zen training. The Aikido Center conducts zazen training as part of the Shugyo training for Aikido Students with guidance from the Center for the Way.

Forty-Five minute Zazen sessions are held in San Francisco dojo on Monday and Wednesdays (schedule) and in Palo Alto High School on Saturday (schedule).


Calligraphy or Shodo (the way of the brush) is an integral part of fine art and Zen training. 

See Shiohira Sensei's Calligraphy

This calligraphy was written over the years for the PAF camps or Gasshukus.
Note: All calligraphy Copyright 1995-2017 by Hideki Shiohira Sensei and may be used only with Shiohira Sensei's express permission.