paf dojoThe Pacific Aikido Federation is directly affiliated with Aikido World Headquarters in Tokyo, Japan.

The Pacific Aikido Federation (PAF) is a group of dojos and students who are following Shiohira Shihan's approach to Aikido as a Martial Way. This means not only learning and becoming proficient in Aikido techniques but also settling into your true self (developing awareness and a deeper understanding of yourself) so that the training comes out in our every day life situations. This type of training is called Shugyo.

In addition to regular classes at member dojos, PAF sponsors a number of activities to support this type of training for its members:

  • Black Belt Training - Advanced training for black belts (and those who will be testing for black belt within a year). This is a two hour class once a month.
  • ZazenKai - Training in Zazen meditation and Shodo (Calligraphy). This half day session occurs once a month.
  • Summer Camp - Intensive Aikido Training. This is a week long immersion in Shugyo. Aikido techniques, weapons and zazen are included along with room and board. It occurs sometime in the summer.
  • Winter Retreat - Intensive Aikido Training. This is a weekend immersion in Shugyo. Aikido techniques, weapons and zazen are included along with room and board. Winter Retreat generally occurs in February.
  • Seminars - Shiohira Shihan regularly visits the PAF member dojos to conduct Aikido training.
  • Workshops - Shiohira Shihan instructs at various Non PAF dojos and seminars around the country. 
    Attendance at these activities is not restricted to PAF members. In fact all of these activities are open to anyone, regardless of affiliation, who wants to sincerely train and participate in Shugyo.
  • Testing - Exams are conducted at least twice a year from a standard syllabus.

Aikido Center Dojos

Shiohira Sensei began teaching Aikido in the San Francisco Bay Area over 40 years ago, with the intent of teaching Aikido as a path to personal development. As flagship dojos of the PAF, Aikido Center dojos are where Shiohira Sensei instructs regularly. Aikido Center serves the greater San Francisco and Silicon Valley areas with locations in San Francisco and Palo Alto.


Shiohira Sensei teaches on Monday, Wednesday and Friday at the San Francisco Dojo, and on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday at the Palo Alto Dojo. Membership at Aikido Center makes all classes at both locations available at no additional fee.


The culture at both Dojos is that of respect and friendly congeniality, marked by seriousness of intent. We learn from one another by training together, and work toward the greater good of our Dojos by giving our time and effort according to our abilities, including teaching, website technology, marketing, or simple Dojo maintenance. Through years of training, friendships inevitably develop, and many of us are also good friends outside the Dojo.