Pacific Aikido Federation's news
Pacific Aikido Federation's calendar and Upcoming Events
General Information and Registration on PAF Training Camps
Pacific Aikido Federation is a group of dojos
The Spring Aikido exam will be held at the Aikido Center San Francisco on Saturday March 23 from 10:30 am to 11:30 PM. Due to other events at the Konko church, the exam must begin PROMPTLY at 10:30 am. Everyone how testint be there before that time and already changed to 10:00 so that the exam can begin on time.
Please be sure to allow extra time to find parking (there is a parking garage underneath the Japantown Center; 5 min. walk from dojo) and to navigate a slightly smaller changing room than at Mountain View.
Thank you for your cooperation.
Address: 1755 Laguna St., at the corner of Bush St. in the lower level of the Konko-kyo church.
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